


贾樟柯《小武》贾樟柯的影片中绝大多数景别都是中近景和固定镜头,通过场面调度表现人物的活动及心理,而特写很少。 2024-09-23 11:23
异种女子夏娃(娜塔莎·亨斯特里奇 Natasha Henstridge 饰)引发庞大的紊乱,她的死并未终结,而是新的恶梦的起头。她在临死之际产下一个婴儿,研究微生物的阿波特博士(罗伯特·尼伯 Robert Knepper 饰)拼命将婴儿救下。这个名叫莎拉(桑妮·马布里 Sunny Mabrey 饰)发展敏捷,均匀天天长6寸,体内的基因比塞尔和夏娃更佳完美。阿波特全力研究莎拉基因的奥秘,他找到学生迪恩(罗宾·杜恩斯 Robin Dunne 饰)协助他的工作,并但愿凭仗这项研究取得诺贝尔奖。可是这注定是一项危险的尝试,莎拉的本能不成避免复苏过来,新的危机再次袭来……本片荣获2005年DVD Exclusive最好摄影奖。 2024-09-23 11:23
A mudslide caused by heavy rain and forest clearance almost sweeps away the cabin at the foot of the wooded slope. But this is not the only upheaval in Nikitas’s life. Shortly after the landslide, a man on an off-road motorbike es racing through the forest and stops in front of Nikitas’s cottage. For the first time in twenty years, Nikitas’s son Johnny stands before him, demanding the inheritance that was left to him in his mother’s will, namely, fifty percent of the land on which the reclusive Nikitas is now living. At first, Nikitas ignores his son. But there is also a pany that is after the land; called simply “the monster” by the villagers, the firm wants to build a road here. To prevent the muddy ground from being pulled from under their feet, father and son have to dig deep into it. Together.Director Georgis Grigorakis sets his rain-drenched woodland Western against a majestic backdrop and finds robust yet tender images to tell this tale of rapprochement between two men. A story of resistance more powerful than the strongest excavator. 2024-09-23 11:23
还原度高到在场的人没一个不惊叹 2024-09-23 11:23
电讯报:阿森纳希望与富安健洋续约 以防拜仁挖角据英国媒体《电讯报》透露,阿森纳希望与富安健洋签订一份新合同,以防拜仁挖角。 2024-09-23 11:23
萧常坤开着费可欣送他的那辆劳斯莱斯库里南走了。 2024-09-23 11:23
这样我们就无法在联赛中竞争。2024-09-23 11:23
但是看上去罗马球迷对此并不买账,在他们眼中,博努奇是尤文图斯的象征,因此,几乎每天都有很多罗马球迷致电,声明他们不想看到俱乐部签下博努奇,而在社交媒体中也出现了“Bonucciout”的标签。2024-09-23 11:23
曼城4-0弗鲁米嫩塞首夺世俱杯北京时间12月23日凌晨2时,世俱杯决赛,曼城对阵弗鲁米嫩塞。2024-09-23 11:23
谁能想到,不久之前,她还因为拿到帝豪集团的合作,在酒店大摆宴席、风光一时无两。2024-09-23 11:23


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